30 Year Reunion


WDHS-Class of “88”- 30 Yr. REUNION


August 11th is  fast approaching, if you haven’t rsvp’d yet through evite, you can rsvp to Kelly Sorensen Kellysorensen@gmail.com, the pay link thru PayPal  is WDHS1988@gmail.com



*Friday August 10th  - 6 PM Bailey’s Ford Campground -Potluck-Social Gathering and camping available. -2379 Jefferson Rd, Manchester

*Saturday August 11th@4pm WDHS main entrance meet for tour of high school

*Saturday August 11th 4:30 pm Reunion being held at Hart Ridge Golf Course- 1647 195th st, Manchester

***Note- Block of rooms reserved @ Americas Best Value Inn and Days Inn- Manchester under -  WDHS class of 88