Work at the University Iowa College of Dentistry (been there 9+yrs.) Also have Worked at Sears in the Human Resource Office for over 11 yrs until they recently closed. I am planning on retiring at 55………..…. We’ll see if that happens Planning the class reunions keeps me pretty busy but like have said before, we are so very fortunate and we should very proud to be in the class of 88!!
….. So thank you all again (and a BIG thanks to Karen, Trish, and Sandi for all your work as well!!)…. PLEASE keep me updated on any e-mail or address changes and hopefully we will get a website up and running before our 25 yr. reunion. 2013 will be here before we know it! It is always good to hear from all of you and keep sending me info when you hear things and I will continue to pass it along to the class!